poseidon partnership

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Welcome to POSEIDON
Partnership On Socio-Economic and Integrated Development Of Deprived Neighbourhoods

The inter-regional partnership of POSEIDON comprised 6 European cities
and urban areas with the aim to promote mutual strategic reflection on their
local neighbourhood management policies, for further developing existing policies and for introducing new ones. The overall goal of POSEIDON was to
enhance social cohesion and to improve living conditions as well as the general image of deprived urban neighbourhoods in the partner areas.

The Lead Partner in the project was the City of Vienna. The other partners involved were Amsterdam, Genoa, London-Haringey, North Kent and Stockholm.

POSEIDON was launched in January 2004 and ended in March 2007.
The project tackled the challenge of developing an innovative and integrated approach as well as new methods that aim at the systematic establishment of economic development and social inclusion at the local level. The total budget of the POSEIDON project amounted to approximately EUR 2.0 million, and was co-financed under the Interreg IIIC "East Zone" Community Initiative Programme.

Against the background of a spatial fragmentation of cities and the increasing concentration of social risks within specific urban areas,
measures that aim at revitalizing these deprived urban zones have become an essential challenge and task for a Europe-wide, national and also local
policy for urban development since the mid-nineties. The POSEIDON project intended to make a contribution to the wider INTERREG IIIC co-operation topic "Inter-regional co-operation in the field of urban development".

The website of the POSEIDON project represents both a platform for
differing approaches to neighbourhood regeneration and an open forum for initiatives and strategies of urban renewal. It seeks to provide an active network for all parties interested, discussing and integrating a wide range
of subjects.

Vienna Ferries Wheel - 159523.5
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